Franklin and Luna and the Book of Fairy Tales; Jen Campbell, illustrated by Katie Harnett27/11/2020
Story-loving duo Franklin and Luna are back for their third outing together and this time Franklin is celebrating his birthday!
Today is a very special day as it is Franklin’s birthday but he’s worried that no-one has remembered as he hasn’t received any presents. Not to worry, Luna has a very special trip planned for Franklin but things go horribly wrong when they go inside a book. Will they make it back before the last page is turned and the book closes and traps them in the world of fairy-tales forever…
Another wonderful story which is again beautifully illustrated by Katie Harnett. Despite Franklin’s concerns that everyone has forgotten his birthday the villagers are busy planning a surprise party for him and to distract him from the goings-on Luna takes him to an out-of-town bookshop. Franklin is thrilled to be surrounded by so many books, some of which are as old as him. But when Luna’s pet tortoise, Neil, opens a padlocked book the duo have to go inside the book on a rescue mission. On their mission they meet a wonderful selection of fairy-tale characters that reminded me of the best parts of my childhood.
Like in the other Franklin and Luna tales it is their love of books that unites the two and it is this shared passion that makes their friendship so special. As they dive into the book of fairy-tales they meet lots of well known fairy-tale characters who have brilliant personalities that cast them in a new light, I particularly like the yoga-doing, vegetarian wolf. Luna and Franklin quite literally show readers the joy that can be found when you step into a book. If this delightful duo cannot get children reading for pleasure then I don’t know what will. Recommended for 4+.
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